We have been assigned check in on the site and see if there’s any way we can help you improve it. Note that this is a more hands-on, site-by-site and case-by-case basis evaluation, not related to the Quality Evaluations already done on other sites.
Let’s get down to the nuts and bolts: firstly, you have a solid site! This community has been working hard for a long time (over two years!) and you have the site to prove it. You have 99% of your questions answered, the questions seem to be about a wide range of topics and your Meta has healthy activity. Did you know that your Twitter page also has a comparatively high number of followers? That’s great! People are interacting with UX.SE on other sites! These are behaviors common to good sites, and we’re pleased to see your site succeeding at them.
Like with every site, there’s always room for improvement! With every other aspect of the site looking healthy, we think these are some areas that we can now focus time and energy on.
- Visitors per day is relatively low at 5.3k/day
- Your total number of questions (5.9k) is about average compared to other sites your age
- Your questions per day is also a bit average at 12
- The site also hasn’t gotten a blog off the ground, despite some talk on Meta about one
Now, I’m not saying any of these stats are abysmal; they’re all relatively fine, but there’s no reason we can’t work towards improving them. With regards to these targeted areas, here are some resources and ideas for enabling improvement:
- To improve visitors per day, try sharing your questions via other social media sites you use (click on the “share” button below any question). There is a badge for sharing that can be awarded multiple times: the Announcer badge. Perhaps we enter everyone who earns the Announcer badge into a lottery for a TBD, awesome prize?
- To improve the number of questions asked per day, as well as increase the number of total questions, perhaps the community needs more to talk about. We can provide the community with grants for items in the UX field that would facilitate conversation (we've done this over on Arqade a bunch).
- If there’s nothing we can buy for the community right now, we can start hosting Topic of the Week events, where tags are chosen by the community and any questions within that tag during a set period of time are eligible for a prize.
- Want a blog? Start a blog!
We are relying on you, the core user community, to implement and spearhead these efforts. You know the site and we want to enable you to improve it! You have our attention and also a modest budget with which to launch some of these initiatives. Let's discuss!
If you, or other core users of the site, have any other ideas of what can be tried to improve on these metrics, or any other element of the site you see as problematic, please leave an answer to this meta post. Our team will be working with a small selection of sites for the next several weeks (UX is the first!), and you can feel free to reach out to us directly for support.
UPDATE: Both a Topic of the Week contest and Announcer Badge Reward have been started. Please leave suggestions for future topics of the week!