I've been contributing for while but I'm still coming to grips with the nuances involved with accepting a question or trashing it.
I didn't post a response to this question - Good UX for a form - because I figured the asker was essentially saying "My layout is crappy, fix it for me". There are a TON of resources and design patterns out there for form design, so I stood back and waited for a more senior contributor to close out the question, probably stating "This is forum for UX discussion, not design review. Try these other sites".
But when I revisited the question I find that someone had essentially fixed the guys layout for him.
Now, this other question - https://ux.stackexchange.com/questions/37755/need-ux-review-for-a-travel-site - I wasn't quite sure about but I guessed it would be closed and I later returned to find that it had been.
But aren't these questiones the same? Both kinda crappy "What's good UX for this?" or "Please review and suggest fixes" type questions, except one is about a form and the other about a site.
The reason cited in the close notice was I'm afraid that we don't do review type questions as they are specific to only one person's problem. but isn't that just what happened with the other guy's broken form layout?
Isn't the person asking the question about the site more in need of this kind of lightweight advice? Advice about how and where to gain a better understanding of user centric design, so they can come back at a later date with a better question than "What's good UX for this?"