Questions tagged [accepted-answer]

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4 votes
0 answers

How to encourage users to accept an answer to a question?

There is an answer to a previous question that forms a possible answer to this question, but I want to come back to the root cause of the problem of users not choosing or accepting an answer to ...
3 votes
1 answer

How do Accepted Answers work on User Experience?

What are Accepted Answers and how are they different on User Experience? Should I accept answers to my questions? Should I refrain from answering a question with an accepted answer?
4 votes
3 answers

Reminders to mark an answer

It annoys me somewhat when someone asks a question and you see people give fantastic, well researched, answers, but still they don't mark the question as answered. Is there any mechanism that reminds ...
8 votes
2 answers

How much should we care about the ratio of accepted answers?

Since StackExchange UI is much more about subjectivity than objective correctness, I doubt we'll ever see the kind of ratio of accepted answers sites like StackOverflow, SuperUser or Cooking (!) are ...
2 votes
1 answer

How are answers accepted when a user doesn't exist any more?

I have noticed some questions being edited post-merger where the OP doesn't link to a profile. I guess this is fallout from old UXE questions migrating when there isn't a user account for them here at ...
10 votes
2 answers

Should Accepting an answer not be available until a specific period of time has passed?

Recently several questions have had an answer accepted after only being open for a few hours and garnering only one or two responses. This is potentially stopping other relevant answers being left ...