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Questions tagged [tag-synonyms]

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Merge and synonymize [fab] into [floating-action-button]

fab has 3 questions and a usage description. floating-action-button has 13 questions, and is much more descriptive ('fab' is not an acronym I was familiar with before seeing this tag, but maybe others'...
maxathousand's user avatar
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Several proposed tag synonym suggestions still pending

wireframing → wireframe (Meta discussion) (Completed) prototyping → prototype (Meta discussion) (Completed) manditory-fields → required-fields (Meta discussion) (manditory-fields currently has no ...
maxathousand's user avatar
  • 19.6k
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Merge and synonymize [mandatory-fields] into [required-fields]

mandatory-fields 15 questions 2 asked this year required-fields 40 questions 7 asked this year
maxathousand's user avatar
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Merge [android-ux] into [android]

We have two tags about Android: android (855 questions) and android-ux (58 questions). I can't see any difference in the questions using these tags, so I propose that they be merged, keeping android ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Merge or synonymise [ai] and [artificial-intelligence]

The site currently has two tags for questions related to artificial intelligence: ai with two questions at the time of writing, and artificial-intelligence with nine questions at the time of writing. ...
Tsundoku's user avatar
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Merge and synonymize the tag [wireframing] into [wireframe]

The two tags are very similar and used interchangeably: [wireframe] currently has 177 questions. [wireframing] currently has 18 questions. I think we could merge and synonymize them into [wireframe]....
Ola Ström's user avatar
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Synonymize/merge [prototype] into [prototyping]

There are two very similar tags: prototyping, currently 119 questions and a decent tag excerpt and wiki. prototype, currently 25 questions (5 of which also have the prototyping tag) without excerpt ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Create tag [synonym-request] for UX Meta

It's common on meta SE sites to have a tag named synonym-request. For an example, see Meta StackExchange. A request to add one tag as the synonym of another tag. Please be specific about which tag ...
Ky -'s user avatar
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Add tag [macos], change [mac-os-x] to be its synonym

mac-os-x should be renamed to macos. The brand Mac OS X was changed to macOS alongside the announcement and release of macOS Sierra in 2016. To reflect this, we should change the tag to macos, but ...
Ky -'s user avatar
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4 votes
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There are two tags for accessibility

I have found two tags for accessibility. The normal one, accessibility and one with wrong spelling: accesibility. Can someone delete the last one or merge them?
Noah Krasser's user avatar
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Synonomize [google-materials-design] and [material-design]

google-materials-design and material-design are basically the same thing. They currently are not synonyms. Should they be merged, synonomized, or the less-active one deleted? 
clickbait's user avatar
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The tags [sort] and [sorting]

We have two tags which, I think, should be merged / become synonyms: sort (× 68) putting items into order, for example alphabetic. sorting (× 87) any process of arranging items in some sequence ...
unor's user avatar
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Should cart be a synonym of the shopping-cart tag?

Should cart be merged in as a synonym of shopping-cart?
WBT's user avatar
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Accessibility vs Disabilities tags

We've got two tags: accessibility and disabilities. Personally I don't see the need for two and think disabilities should be made a synonym of accessibility Disabilities isn't a very common tag and I ...
Zelda's user avatar
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Should the "focus" tag be disambiguated?

In the past, focus was retagged from "keyboard-focus". See: Better word for the 'keyboard-focus' tag. I noticed some people using the "focus" tag, however, in a different way, such as visual or ...
David's user avatar
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Tags about registration and login

Today, I manually removed the misspelled tag registraton from two separate questions. While this was an easy thing with only two questions having the tag, either making the misspelling a synonym or ...
Rumi P.'s user avatar
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6 votes
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Is there a difference between [user] and [users]?

The user and users are seems to be the same thing. Even their tag info is kinda identical. Shouldn't they merged and one be a synonym for the other?
totymedli's user avatar
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Oh what a tangled Web tag we weave

While cleaning up untagged posts, I noticed we probably have some significant redundancy in our web related tags: mobile web and web app are definitely fine, websites is a synonym of website design. ...
Zelda's user avatar
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Tag synonym request : [naming] <-- [names]

Both tags naming and names are being used for questions related to terminology or naming conventions. They should be made synonymous. I prefer naming to be the primary. Alternatively, we could map ...
metacubed's user avatar
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Color tag vs Color-scheme tag

In UX.SE, should these tags be the same (synonym) and if not, when would you use one and not the other?
Danny Varod's user avatar
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Merge list and lists tags?

I think the list and lists should be merged: they both share the same tag wiki and I can't imagine that these are needed separately.
Pesikar's user avatar
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Merge [maps], [map], [map-ui] tags?

I'm not sure if there is any meaningful difference between the questions tagged maps, map, or map-ui. Might we decide which is the canonical tag and merge the other two under that? map has the most ...
Charles Wesley's user avatar
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Should the "ergonomics" tag be synonymized with the "physical" tag?

I realize they are not exactly the same, and it would not pay all the due respect to the field of Ergonomics, but in the context of USXE in the year 2013, it seems to be a useful synonym. What do ...
Dvir Adler's user avatar
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Is "website-design" a useful tag?

Our most common tag is website-design. Without reading the tag's wiki, it seems like most questions on this site are about "web-design," which means that many users may begin typing "web" and then ...
Graham Herrli's user avatar
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How can I vote on a proposed tag synonym?

On the tag synonyms page, I can see potential synonyms listed, and I see "pending(0)" in the right column, but I don't know how to vote on a proposed synonym. Can someone please explain?
Graham Herrli's user avatar
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Is the current tag-synonym design hard to use?

I don't think the current site design makes it very clear which direction tag synonyms point. (If you are encountering the same issue, I've posted a solution. It took me a while to figure it out.) ...
Graham Herrli's user avatar
4 votes
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Which way do tag synonyms point?

Below, when I say "main tag" I mean the tag that you want the other tag to redirect to (generally the tag with more votes). I'll call the tag re-directs to the main tag the "sub-tag." When the ...
Graham Herrli's user avatar
3 votes
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If one tag is a subcategory of another, should it be tagged as a synonym?

For example, I proposed behavioral-psychology (with only one post tagged) as a synonym of the much more common psychology (87 posts), but now I'm not so certain I should have because there's also the ...
Graham Herrli's user avatar
2 votes
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Tidying up tag synonyms

I've been looking at some of the lesser used tags and proposing tag synonyms. I've found several in tags that I don't have five upvotes for yet, but that look like they might be good synonyms. If ...
Graham Herrli's user avatar
11 votes
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Should [modal-dialog] be renamed to [modal-window]?

When reading Is a lightbox considered a dialog box? (and writing my answer) I realized our tag for "modal" stuff is modal-dialog. As you'll note in my answer, I don't agree that all modal things are ...
Zelda's user avatar
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Are [button] and [buttons] duplicate tags?

Is there a difference between the two tags button and buttons? If not, perhaps someone can merge the tags and add one as a synonym for the other?
quietmint's user avatar
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Are [user-research], [usability-study], [testng] and [usability-testing] distinct or should they be merged?

We have two three four tags, user-research, usability-study, usability-testing and testing. The tag wiki for testing is a technique used to evaluate a product by testing it on users making it clearly ...
Zelda's user avatar
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Make tag synonym or retag question?

There is two tags that have the same meaning: browser with 16 tagged questions web-browser with 1 tagged question One option is to retag the one question with the [browser] tag instead. Another ...
Benny Skogberg's user avatar
3 votes
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Make [desktop] a synonym of [desktop-application]

Having both seems a bit redundant, and the latter is used more, as well as being more meaningful (IMO).
Cam Jackson's user avatar
10 votes
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Microcopy and copywriting are not the same thing

I noticed that the microcopy tag has been made a synonym of copywriting. I disagree with this because microcopy is a very specific form of copywriting - it deals mostly with very small instances of ...
Rahul's user avatar
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Better word for the 'keyboard-focus' tag

Someone once created the keyboard-focus tag and I've reused it on my recent question mainly because it already existed. But I think the wording is a bit off, as the focus is not so much related to ...
Lode's user avatar
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Merge of tags `info-visualisation` and `info-visualization` into ìnfoviz`

Having insufficient privileges within the tags info-visualisation and info-visualization, I am not able to suggest synonyms. However, if we keep those tags separately it will take even longer before ...
jensgram's user avatar
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