Member for 13 years, 10 months
Last seen more than 12 years ago
Berlin, Germany
Zalando is currently hiring in my department (both for my team and other teams) in Berlin, Germany:
- Full Stack Engineer (Scala/React) for Retail Operations
- Scala Backend Engineer for Retail Operations
There are also a lot of other open positions, in Berlin, Dortmund, Dublin, Helsinki, Lissabon.
Don't fear to edit my posts: even if I have more reputation than you, I do make mistakes.
Please don't try to contact me privately to ask technical questions – I won't answer them, even if I know the answer, as a principle. Ask them on Stack Overflow (or wherever they best fit) – if I stumble upon them, I might answer.
I was a Moderator Pro Tempore (= until the first elections) at Cryptography Stack Exchange for about three years. Feel free to come around and ask some cryptography questions.
My personal name is spoken as /ˈpawlo/ (IPA), in English this would be written similar to Powlo, I think (i.e. the vowels are ow and o), with an accent on the before-last syllable (which is the first in this case). It's the Esperanto form of my given name.
The photo shows my shadow, taken at night. My camera sometimes seems to forget all the other frequencies and only stores the green ones.
Some more links:
- I created an github repository where I'll add interesting code created for responses here.
- I created Javadoc for JSch - i.e. I read most of the code, thus I now also can answer some JSch-related questions.
- I got a Job with StackOverflow Careers, and my company's technology department (where I work) has now its own website/blog.
SupporterJun 17, 2011
AutobiographerSep 24, 2014
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