The ongoing Internet of Things (IoT) Area51 proposal reminded me of this site again.
UX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for User Experience Designers, Information Architects, and Human Computer Interaction researchers.
Therefore I feel IoT would obviously be on topic here, since quite a few HCI researchers rely on IoT, and I would presume the same is true for UX designers.
However, if you feel those questions would be welcome here (which is my initial impression) you might want to create a 'possible duplicate' post at Area51 redirecting them to here.
P.s. Before, I suggested they should broaden their scope, e.g., to HCI. I mainly did so since professional HCI questions seem underrepresented here, which is mainly why I don't visit this site often. If you would want to be welcoming to HCI, I suggest you reach out to this new IoT community.