If your question is something like:
I've built {this dialog box}, how can I improve it?
Then no, that's not really on topic. That's really just a review of your interface, so there is no 'correct' answer to such a question. You're better off posting to somewhere like http://fivesecondtest.com/ instead.
However, if your question is more like:
I have buttons for 'save', 'save and exit', 'cancel', 'continue' and 'save and continue' and users are telling me that it is too confusing, is there a suitable alternative to providing all these options?
Then that is more suited. It's a question that can be answered in a more-or-less 'correct' fashion. A good answer will solve your situation and - more importantly - provide some use to other visitors to the site.
Think of stack exchange as a big repository (or encyclopeadia) of useful questions and their appropriate answers - a site people can come to to read in order to find the answer to a question they are pretty sure others must have asked at some point in time.
Providing a consultancy service for reviewing individual people websites / apps doesn't really fit into that category. But solving specific problems does.