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Questions tagged [blog]

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8 votes
1 answer

Trello Board for the UX.SE blog

If you're planning to participate in our blog you should plan to join our Trello Board for the blog. You'll need to be a member of the board to use it however, so please post your Trello username/...
8 votes
13 answers

What will our Blog be about?

Following Step 1, Step 2 of getting a blog is defining the scope. Now we are gathering volunteers at a third question. Define the scope and purpose of the blog. Is the blog about the site? Is it ...
2 votes
1 answer

How can I participate in the User Experience Community Blog?

User Experience has a Community Blog and I would like to contribute. How can I contribute to this blog? How do I sign up? How does the publishing process work?
3 votes
1 answer

When will we be ready to launch the blog?

Technically speaking, we can launch the blog just about any time; the Wordpress site is all set up (without content) and it can go live basically any time. What I want to know is when do we think we'...
2 votes
1 answer

Our Blog: shouldn't it reflect our status as experts & also be easy to find and read?

I just wanted to ask - are there going to be a list of standards for our blog? I'm assuming that we're putting ourselves out there as experts and so we want to maintain professionalism (while still ...
7 votes
0 answers

Let's get the blog in gear; call for contributors/status updates

Our Community Blog efforts faltered for a bit; we've got some good people working on some good ideas and a couple ideas ready to go, but it's not enough to start with. I'd like to get back that ...
11 votes
14 answers

Do YOU want to be part of our community blog?

We've already got some ideas for what our blog could be about. Now we need to know who will participate in writing the blog. There are no reputation requirements, you don't have to be a moderator, ...
5 votes
3 answers

Vote for our first Question of the Week for the UX blog!

Before we start our blog I'd like to gather votes for our first Question of the Week entry! To participate just submit an answer stating the question, why it's worthy of a blog post and if you'd be ...
1 vote
0 answers

Editing Room chatroom for Blog users

I've created a chatroom for editors/contributors to the UX blog: The Editing Room Hop in and say hello if you plan to be part of the blog or just start brainstorming ideas.
14 votes
5 answers

Do we want a community blog?

We've started Step 2 of getting a blog, defining our scope. If you want to make it happen, please participate in that discussion. It's possible for a Stack Exchange site to get it's own blog provided ...